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Internal Parameters

Internal parameters are set automatically at process runtime and when opening a web interface.

info_1 The prefix P_ is used by the engine, its use is strictly reserved for internal variables.

Global Variables

The following are accessible from all the resources:

${P_urls.xxx}: this parameter holds the platform URLs; xxx can take values:

  • domain (${P_urls.domain}) : the domain name e.g. runmyprocess.com
  • host (${P_urls.host}) : the url of the live host server e.g. live.runmyprocess.com
  • live (${P_urls.live}) : the live url including the https protocol prefix e.g. https://live.runmyprocess.com
  • portal (${P_urls.portal}): the URL of the RunMyProcess login page e.g. https://portal.runmyprocess.com

${P_customer}: the customer identifier.

${P_mode}: the current execution mode - LIVE, ACCEPTANCE or TEST.

${P_version}: the current project version.

Process Runtime Variables

Persisted Variables

The following are available in the internal parameters of the request, they can be used during request execution.

${P_user.xxx}: this parameter relates to the person in the current organization who has recently modified the process status (i.e. he has launched a process or has performed a manual task). xxx can take values:

  • login (${P_user.login})
  • name (${P_user.name})
  • id (${P_user.id})
  • delegators (${P_user.delegators}) : list of the delegators when P_user is the representative. This value is set each time a representative update a manual task.

${P_user.extended.xxx} allows you to access the user's metadata e.g. ${P_user.preferences.xxx} allows you to access the user's preferences.

${P_initiator}: this parameter takes the same structure as P_user. The initiator is the user in the current organization who started the process.

${P_result}: the result of the current executed task; the value of this parameter is modified each time a new task is executed.

${P_branch_xxx}: when a process includes a parallel path, all variables of path xxx are grouped under that variable name (where xxx is the identifier of the branch's first step).

${P_index}: in the case of a task including a loop, this is the current iteration index.

${P_message}: the error message when a task has failed.

${P_request}: the unique identifier of the current process request.

${P_status}: the execution status of the last action. It has the following structure: {"name":"OK","desc":"The request has succeeded","code":200}

${P_task}: the unique identifier of the current process task ${P_task.id}. The value of this parameter is modified each time a new task is executed.

${P_task_url}: the unique url of the manual task form to validate or cancel a given process.

Web Service Variables

The following persisted variables are only accessible following a call to a web service i.e. after using a Connector whose Provider is using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.

${P_cookie}: the value of the cookie set by the provider in the HTTP header.

${P_header}: this is a structure variable which contains the different parameters of a HTTP request header (e.g. P_header.cookie is equivalent to P_cookie).

Non-Persistent Request Variables

The following variables are NOT persisted in the internal parameters of the request, but you can use them during the request execution.

${P_branch}: structure which contains all the variable of the current branch (the branch where the code is executed).

${P_current_request}: the id of the current request (could be different to P_request in the case of a nested sub process)

Web Interface Variables

${P_connected_user.xxx}: this parameter relates to the user who is currently connected to a web form (application form or manual task form). xxx can take values:

  • login (${P_connected_user.login})
  • name (${P_connected_user.name})
  • id (${P_connected_user.id})

${P_connected_user.extended.xxx} allows you to access the user's metadata e.g. ${P_connected_user.extended.company}.

${context}: the responsive context from which the web interface is accessed. The context can take the following values :

  • web from a desktop browser (default value)
  • mobile from a mobile browser or from RunMyApp on a mobile
  • tablet from a tablet browser or from RunMyApp on a tablet

${P_language}: the language of the current web interface. The following rules are used to determine the language:

  • If no dictionary has been defined, the language is the design language (en, fr, es, jp). The design language is based on the designer's IDE language.
  • If a dictionary exists then:
  • The preferred language of the connected user if a dictionary exists for that language
  • The language chosen by the end user from the dropdown list that appears on each web interface that has a dictionary
  • By passing P_language=language_code as a parameter of the url

${entityId}: the unique id of the Web interface instance. Once saved or process started, it becomes part of the Web interface instance url /live/{P_customer}/appli/{appli_id}/state/{state_id}?instance={entityId}