Server-Side Javascript ES6 API Reference
Some useful Utilities
Converts an CSV input into JSON format.
Syntax : RMPUtilities.csvToJson(object, optionList);
Parameters :
Name | Type | Description |
object | String | Input file |
optionList | Map | Options to be used for defining the JSON parsing behavior |
Returns : CSV in (JSON) String format.
Type : String
Call Example :
<@script env="js">
var result = RMPUtilities.csvToJson( '1,true,hello\n2,false,world', {});
Converts an array of either JSON objects or arrays to a CSV string. The contained JSON objects must only consist of simple types - no nested objects are allowed. Arrays also must only consist of simple types. The line end is CRLF.
Syntax : RMPUtilities.jsonToCsv(input, options);
Parameters :
Name | Type | Description |
input | Map | User login/email. Current user by default |
options | Map | Options to be used for defining the JSON parsing behavior |
The "options" map can contain the following values (all optional):
Name | Type | Description |
separator | String | Separator between two values (e.g. ; or , ). Default: , |
delimiter | String | Delimiter used to allow values containing the separator character (e.g. " or ' ), to include a delimiter in a value, use two delimiters (e.g. "" ). Default: " |
empty | String | Value to be used to represent an empty value (two separators in a row). Default: "" |
charset | String | Character set to be used to read the file content. Default: UTF-8 |
parse_numbers | Array | Array of names or indices of columns containing numerical values to be stored as Double. Example: ["age",3] will parse columns header "age" and the 4th column |
parse_longs | Array | Array of names or indices of columns containing long values to be stored as Long. Example: ["age",3] will parse column header "age" and the 4th column. |
trim | boolean | Trim values before inserting them in the collection. Trimming also occurs before decoding numerical values. |
Returns : The resulting CSV data as a string
Type : String
Call Example :
<@script env="js">
var result = RMPUtilities.jsonToCsv( [["1","true","hello"],["2","false","world"]], {});
Returns the decrypted version of the string provided in input. - This method can be used in a web interface.
Syntax :
- RMPUtilities.decrypt(input, vector, keystring);
- RMPUtilities.decrypt(input, vector, keystring, cipher);
Parameters :
Name | Type | Description |
input | String | Encrypted text |
vector | String | The initialization vector |
keystring | String | Key to decrypt the ciphered text in AES format |
cipher (optional) | String | Cipher |
Returns : Decrypted String.
Type : String
Call Example :
<@script env="js">
var result = RMPUtilities.decrypt("HtcLaNk0xk/G+DjClefgdA==","LqME74+sChTIcYsaUMkBPw==","0ckdURPMf4P4ismngaFgZbX3CGzJCyuR6hTgEAL9RTc=");
Returns the encrypted version of the string provided in input. - This method can be used in a web interface.
Syntax :
- RMPUtilities.encrypt(input, key);
- RMPUtilities.encrypt(input, key, cipher);
- Parameters :
Name | Type | Description |
input | String | Input text to encrypt |
key | String | A variable value to encrypt the text |
cipher (optional) | String | Cipher |
Returns : A result containing the initialization vector (iv
field) and the encrypted version of input (encrypted
Type : Map
Data Structure :
{"encrypted": "{Base64String}", "iv": "{Base64String}"}
Call Example :
<@script env="js">
var result = RMPUtilities.encrypt('hello world', 'c7ZOu5rr3fMHTOAAwwlFD049PBVAZ6SU8UJuU3A9lVM=');
RSA Hash
Generating RSA digital signature specifying the algorithm & encoding.
Syntax :
- RMPUtilities.rsaHash(input, key);
- RMPUtilities.rsaHash(input, key, algorithm);
- RMPUtilities.rsaHash(input, key, algorithm, encoding);
- Parameters :
Name | Type | Description |
data | String | Data to be signed |
key | String | The private key readers supports PEM files with PKCS#8 or PKCS#1 encodings. It doesn't support encrypted PEM files |
algorithm (optional) | String | SHA256 (default), SHA1 or MD5. Default: SHA256 |
encoding (optional) | String | BASE64 (default), BASE64URL or HEXA. Default: BASE64 |
Returns : Data signed
Type : String
Call Example :
<@script env="js">
var key ='-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n' +
'-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----';
var j = RMPUtilities.rsaHash('hello world', key, 'SHA256', 'HEXA');
Generate a universally unique identifier or UUID
Syntax : RMPUtilities.uuid();
Parameters : None
Returns : UUID value
Type : String
Call Example :
<@script env="js">
var result = RMPUtilities.uuid();
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