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EnterpriseConnect Agent Configuration File

The configuration settings for the EnterpriseConnect Agent are stored in the [sdec-installation-folder]/config/application.properties file.

The file contains the following settings:

Mandatory Settings

Values must be specified for at least the following entries:

  • server.port : The listening port of the EnterpriseConnect Agent for adapter connections. For example: server.port=8080. The port, as configured in the agentHost property of the handler.config adapter configuration file (see adapters), must match with the server.port.
  • sdc.host: The IP address and port of the SDC of the RunMyProcess DigitalSuite installation you are using. The public platform installations have the following addresses and ports:

    • Europe and Middle East: dsec.runmyprocess.com:443
    • Australia and New Zealand: dsec.runmyprocess.com.au:443
    • Japan: dsec.aw1.jp.runmyprocess.com:443
    • US: dsec.aw1.us.runmyprocess.com:443


  • agent.user: The agent user for the SDC. This must be the same user as specified when setting up a domain for EnterpriseConnect in RunMyProcess DigitalSuite. For example: agent.user=john_smith
  • agent.domain: The name of the domain for the SDC. This must be the same domain as set up for EnterpriseConnect in RunMyProcess DigitalSuite. For example: agent.domain=company.domain.com
  • agent.password: The password of the agent user for the SDC. This must be the same password as specified when setting up a domain for EnterpriseConnect in RunMyProcess DigitalSuite. For example: agent.password=mypassword

Proxy Settings

If your environment uses a local proxy, check and specify the following settings:

  • proxy.host: The IP address and port of the proxy server. For example:
  • proxy.enabled: true to enable communication through the local proxy, false to work without proxy. For example: proxy.enabled=true
  • proxy.auth.enabled: true if the proxy requires authentication, false otherwise. For example: proxy.auth.enabled=true
  • proxy.auth.type: The type of proxy authentication, basic or digest. For example: proxy.auth.type=basic
  • proxy.auth.user: The user for authenticaton with the proxy. For example: proxy.auth.user=john_smith
  • proxy.auth.password: The password for authenticaton with the proxy. For example: proxy.auth.password=mypassword

Log Settings

The following settings are related to logging. The initial settings only need to be changed for troubleshooting and debugging purposes.

  • logging.level.*: The level of detail in which logging information is to be output by the EnterpriseConnect Agent in general or its individual components. Possible log levels are TRACE, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR. For example: logging.level=INFO
  • agent.adapterV2.adapterLogsToAgent.enabled: true if logging information of the individual adapters is to be output by the EnterpriseConnect Agent, false otherwise. For example: agent.adapterV2.adapterLogsToAgent.enabled=true
  • agent.agentLogsToSdc.enabled: true if logging information of the EnterpriseConnect Agent is to be sent to the SDC of the RunMyProcess DigitalSuite platform, false otherwise. For example: agent.agentLogsToSdc.enabled=true
  • ssl.debug.enabled: true to turn on debugging of SSL connections to system out, false otherwise. For example: ssl.debug.enabled=false

Application Limits

The following settings are related to the behavior of the EnterpriseConnect Agent. The initial settings only need to be changed if the communication does not work as expected.

  • limit.webSocket.idleTimeout.ms: The number of milliseconds after which websocket connections between the EnterpriseConnect Agent and the SDC of RunMyProcess DigitalSuite time out if there is no traffic. A value of 0 means that the connections never time out. For example: limit.webSocket.idleTimeout.ms=0
  • limit.webSocket.responseMessageTimeout.ms: The maximum number of milliseconds the EnterpriseConnect Agent waits for websocket response messages before time-out. A value of 0 means that a time-out never happens. For example: limit.webSocket.responseMessageTimeout.ms=60000

    Note: This value is only relevant for the local communication between the Agent and the adapters. For the communication between the EnterpriseConnect Agent and the SDC of RunMyProcess DigitalSuite, a time-out value set at the SDC is used (see Execution Limits).

  • sdc.connection.interval.ms: The interval in milliseconds in which the EnterpriseConnect Agent checks the connection to the SDC of RunMyProcess Digital Suite. The minimum value is 1000; if you set a lower value, you cannot start the Agent. For example: sdc.connection.interval.ms=10000

  • sdc.emptyFrame.limit.ms: The number of milliseconds after which the EnterpriseConnect Agent sends an empty frame to the SDC of RunMyProcess DigitalSuite because there were no other requests. For example: sdc.emptyFrame.limit.ms=50000
  • sdc.connection.max.attempt: The maximum number of times the EnterpriseConnect Agent tries to connect to the SDC of RunMyProcess DigitalSuite. For example: sdc.connection.max.attempt=900
  • sdc.offlineLogs.max.size: The maximum number of log entries that the EnterpriseConnect Agent collects locally and sends to the SDC of RunMyProcess DigitalSuite when it re-connects to it after it was disconnected. For example: sdc.offlineLogs.max.size=200
  • sdc.maxNumberOfLogsInBatch: The maximum number of log entries the EnterpriseConnect Agent sends to the SDC of RunMyProcess DigitalSuite at a time. A value of 0 means that the number of log entries sent at a time is unlimited. For example: sdc.maxNumberOfLogsInBatch=200