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Security with System Integration

DigitalSuite is a cloud platform for fast and secure enterprise system integration. It allows customers to connect processes, systems, and devices with each other and with the people who use them, independent of their location.

In their applications, customers can:

  • Employ external systems to carry out tasks within their applications by means of corresponding connectors. These connections are outbound from the DigitalSuite point of view.

  • Access DigitalSuite resources from external systems by their URL or by web service calls. These connections are inbound from the DigitalSuite point of view.

Outbound Connections

For integrating external systems with their applications, customers use providers and connectors.

DigitalSuite supports a variety of secure protocols for the communication with the external systems as well as several schemes for authentication with different providers, including single sign-on mechanisms like OAuth 2.0. For secure connections, external systems must provide valid certificates; self-signed certificates cannot be used. For robustness reasons, external systems should not require the re-use of sessions.

With DigitalSuite EnterpriseConnect (DSEC), the platform enables secure access to resources that are located on-premise on enterprise systems behind firewalls. The participating systems communicate with each other by means of secure websocket connections.

Inbound Connections

External systems can access resources managed in DigitalSuite by their URL or web service calls.

If the resources are not public, authentication with DigitalSuite is required and the platform's roles and access rights concept applies. Customers can use single sign-on mechanisms like OAuth 2.0 and/or create technical users, which represent the external systems in their account and whose credentials are used for authentication and communication as indicated in the following illustration:

Access Control