My Connectors/Providers Tab
Allows you to view, edit and delete the Providers currently in use and you can also add a new Provider from here.
A Provider groups together the Connectors available at the same web address (a Provider can be thought of as an application which offers different Connectors). Each process itself is available as a Connector provided by the Provider RunMyProcess process server (see Processes Tab).
If you want to re-use Providers (and associated Connectors) across projects we strongly advice that you create a specific project for them. For example, if you create a separate project for an email provider you can re-use it across all projects that require it, this is important as a resource can only be attached to one project.
The name of the Provider.
A Provider can be tagged with one or more customizable fields called tags. A search by tags is accessible via the advanced search of the connector repository.
Environment Configuration: Test, Acceptance and Live environment
Fill in the parameters for the individual environments to optionally use different URLs or credentials for Test, Acceptance and Live state. Your project's version state (test/acceptance/live) will determine which of these Provider environments will be used during process execution.
Click on
to copy / paste between the different environments.
Type in the URL of the provider. The URL can contain variables or can be a variable (${url}).
The following protocols are supported:
- http:// Web Server,
- https:// Secure Web Server,
- smtp:// Mail sending Server,
- smtps:// Secure Mail sending Server,
- pop:// Used to retrieve Mail of a specified user from a mail server,
- pops:// Used to retrieve Mail of a specified user from a mail server in a secured way (SSL encryption),
- ftp:// Used to retrieve files from a server or to send files to a server.
- ftps:// Used to retrieve files from a server or to send files to a server. FTP Secure (FTP-SSL) is an extension to the commonly used File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that adds support for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptographic protocols.
- ftpes:// Used to retrieve files from a server or to send files to a server. In explicit mode (also known as FTPES), an FTPS client must "explicitly request" security from an FTPS server and then step-up to a mutually agreed encryption method. If a client does not request security, the FTPS server can either allow the client to continue insecure or refuse/limit the connection.
- sftp:// Used to retrieve files from a server or to send files to a server. SFTP is an extension to the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) which offers secure file transfer capability.
- rdcp:// Used to perform request on your local Database if it has a JDBC driver (Remote Database Connector Protocol).
- coap:// Constrained Device endpoint for Internet of Things applications.
- coaps:// Secure Constrained Device endpoint for Internet of Things applications.
The URL must always end with a forward slash (/) so that the concatenation of the URL and the address of a connector makes a well-formed URL.
If all Connectors for a Provider are accessible via a simple URL e.g. "", you can use this URL for the Provider and use Dynamic URL with the same URL for each of the Provider's Connectors. This is because there is nothing to concatenate after the Provider's URL (see Connect / Services).
For FTP providers, the Connector will look like : ${ftp_directory_name}/${filename_on_ftp_server}. The first parameter is optional if it's the home directory (no "/" before filename). The file transfer type should be "Binary".
Example of configuration for Gmail server:
- Sending email (see your webmail configuration) : "smtps://" (smtp port is 465 and smtps is for encrypted ssl connexion) or "smtp://" (smtp port is 587). Authentication Scheme is "Plain with TLS (SSL)"
- Receiving email: "pops://" (see your webmail configuration: pop port is 995 and pops is for encrypted ssl connexion). Authentication Scheme is "Basic with SSL".
Authentication Scheme
Select the type of authentication used to log on to the Connector's Provider.
Most Providers will simply require the basic authentication, through login and password, that can either be fixed or dynamic, using variables.
"Secured" check box for Password field will prevent the server from sending your password to the RunMyProcess user interface. Only modification of your password will be sent from UI to server.
For HTTP/HTTPS providers:
- None: no authentication.
- Login/Password (basic): Easiest authentication method in the HTTP protocol, but also the least secure one since it merely uses a simple base64 encoding of login and password.
- Custom: the authentication scheme is specific to the vendor. We build authorization custom header for request the following way : [Scheme name][space][Credentials]. Scheme name can't be a Freemarker variable : it is a fix text
- Digest: Secured authentication method of the HTTP/HTTPS protocol, providing a handshake before sending login and password.
- AWS Signature V2 (Header): refers to an older authentication scheme specific to Amazon S3. Please note that Signature V2 isn't supported by all AWS regions anymore thus we suggest migration to AWS V4 authentication.
- AWS Signature V4 (Query): refers to the current AWS V4 query-based authentication scheme. Please enter your AWS Access key ID and Secret access key as credentials.
- AWS Signature V4 (Header): refers to the current AWS V4 header-based authentication scheme. Please enter your AWS Access key ID and Secret access key as credentials.
- Google 2L OAuth: refers to Google 2-legged OAuth. This authentication scheme, available for Google Apps Edition only, allows RunMyProcess to use Google API on behalf of a user without knowing his login/password.
- RunMyProcess Secured Connection: Connectors attached to this Provider will use P_user credential to call a RunMyProcess internal Connector such as "Create a custom list" (see Libraries / Connectors).
- Windows Azure: specific authentication scheme used by Windows Azure's connectors.
- Java Keystore: allows you to join a certificate (file downloaded on RunMyProcess) with its associated password to each request. This is only available for HTTPS protocol.
Additional Notes for AWS Signature V4 (query- and header-based):
You can use either signature format for requests to arbitrary AWS services. Please note that the query-based authentication scheme is limited by the maximum length of a URL. In case of S3 the (POST-)payload will also not be part of the signature. Generally we recommend the use of the header-based authentication scheme unless you want to express your request entirely via the URL. You have to define the Provider according to the AWS service endpoints - see for details.
Example for an AWS RDS provider URL in the US-West-2 region:
The corresponding action portion has to be defined in the connector definition. Example:
Please note that this pattern is not consistent across all AWS services (see the followup example) so please refer to the AWS REST documentation for details.Example for an AWS provider URL for a S3 bucket in the AWS standard region:
Example for the connector URL for an S3 GET request (download):
'the_filename'As of now we are not supporting multi-part file uploads to S3 (files bigger than 5GB).
For SMTP/SMTPS providers
- None: no authentication.
- Plain: plain standard scheme for send mail servers (SMTP): this is the method usually required (login is your email address, password is your email password).
- Plain with TLS (SSL): refers to the authentication needed for email providers where you need an encrypted SSL connection (Gmail for instance).
For POP/POPS providers
- None: no authentication.
- Basic: standard scheme for receiving mail via POP with simple base64 encoding of login and password.
- Basic with SSL: same as basic but more secured since SSL encryption: used by POPS mail server.
For FTP/FTPS/FTPES providers
- None: no authentication.
- Login / Password: FTP connection is done thanks to a login / password
For RDCP providers
- None: no authentication (it is managed within service).
- Use Secured Enterprise Connector: check this box and select a domain if you want to give an access to RunMyProcess to your internal connectors without creating any DMZ on your local network or re-configuring your firewall. You will need to install a Java agent on your internal server that will create a fully secured tunnel between your network and RunMyProcess server.
- With domain: this domain is defined in Account/Configuration/Domains tab. This domain will contained Login and Password fields that will be field up with same user@domain/password entered in localConfig.xml agent configuration file. ( and SECServerPort=4433)
For COAP/COAPS providers
- None: no authentication.
- Identity/Key: a pre-shared key encryption scheme will be used.
Usage rules
Enable usage rules
By checking this box, you can define a minimum delay between 2 requests execute by this provider. This can be very useful if you are using one of this Provider's Connectors in a loop so as not to overload the Provider.
Allow a maximum of one request every
Define an appropriate delay between two requests in milliseconds (from 0 to 5 seconds)
Note: If the rule results in an excessive number of requests due to congestion, the delay will be increased irrespective of the rule definition. This is a safety valve to prevent cross-customer interference in the shared backend systems.
Description of the Provider and its parameters if needed.
URL of the documentation describing the Providers.
A Provider can only launch five services per second.
Please give details of the problem