Process/Input Tab
Allows you to set variables and files needed to launch a process.
Click on Input button of the Process Screen to access this tab.
Input Tab
A process requires a minimum set of business objects called process input to run properly. This is considered the minimum contract that should be fulfilled to run the process; if not respected, an error is triggered at the beginning of runtime. These inputs can be either variables or files.
If more variables are provided to launch the process, the process will run correctly and these variables will be available in the process.
[Add a variable]
Click this button to add an input variable to the process.
Name of the variable. Click on 'newVar' to edit the name of the variable. This is the name that will be used throughout the process to use this variable.
The following variable names are forbidden (cf. freemarker functions): t, lte, rt, gt, gte
If you want an input variable to be secured (ie. not visible in Process report), define it as output variable of the start task of your process and check box "secured" with following definition: mysecuredvar=${mysecuredvar}.
The variable can be a:
- Value: simple fixed value.
- Object: a list of values (i.e. array) or a structured group of values or a list of objects (i.e. an address: street, city, zip, country).
[Add a file]
Click this button to add a file to the process. The file can be of two kinds:
- File with values to be parsed during the process according to the selected format: more convenient when you have a group of input variables (for instance a list of customers).
- Baggage file (not parsed) to be used during the process (for instance attachment file to be sent via email or a connector).
Name of the file. Click on 'newFile' to edit the name of the file. This is the name that will be used throughout the process to use this file: it will contain the internal ID of the file.
Check this box if you want the file to be parsed:
- Parsed files will eventually be used in the process, as they contain dynamic values (variables) required for the process.
- Non-parsed files can be of all kinds and are most likely to be used as attachment files sent via email during a task of the process or sent via a connector to a file repository.
Select the format of the imported file (only needed if file is parsed).
- XML: Default format,
- CSV (with or without header) (comma separated values): List of sets of values separated by commas; format compatible with spreadsheets for instance,
- TEXT: Plain text, no analysis is made of the message
- EDI (electronic data exchange): Standard data format for B2B exchanges; several business uses of this standard are handled automatically,
- JSON (javascript object notation): Serialization format for Javascript objects; very easily interpretable by a Web browser,
- Name=value (equal separated key-value): List of pairs; key = value.
- Others : HTML, URL encoding....
Maximum size
Parsed file size is limited to 64 Ko. Non-parsed file size is limited to 12 Mo.
Click this button to delete the entry.
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