Process/Measures Tab
You can define any piece of process data as a measure. This means that it can be used as a business process indicator to be displayed in charts and reports.
The Measures Tab
Click on the Measures button of the Process Screen to access this tab.
Any element of process data can be defined as a measure. Also, new indicators related to process data can be calculated. All defined measures are available to be included in your own specific reports (charts, web interface and process).
Defining a New Measure
Click the Add a Measure button to define a new indicator.
The name of the measure. Click on 'NewMeasure' to edit the name of the variable, this is the name that will be used in reports to reference this indicator.
The value for the measure, this can be fixed or dynamic. You can open a script editor window from here to set the value using Freemarker, the syntax can be found at How to use Freemarker.
The value is usually a variable used within the process, so an example would be a measure with the name amount_of_a_purchase_process
and the value would be ${amount}
Please note that the length of a measure's result is limited to 4096 characters.
This is the data type of the measure, there are four options:
- Text
- Date - this is the number of seconds since 01/01/1970, see Date input. Arithmetic operations (e.g. sum and average) can be performed on Date measures.
- Number - Arithmetic operations (e.g. sum and average) can be performed on Number measures.
- Link - The syntax for Link measures is
. For example,Click@
Garbage icon
Click this button to delete the measure.
Deleted measures
Here you can see the measures that were created for this process.
Once a measure has been created or modified, it will be automatically calculated for each launched process, independent of its state and version.
A measure is only available for chart reports when a process is launched in Live.
In case of parallel branches, a measure displayed in web interface reports will use the local value of the variable of the branch the manual task belongs to.
You cannot create more than 200 measures for a given process. If you need more, please use collections.
Please note that the length of a measure's result is limited to 4096 characters.