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Process Design

Allows you to graphically design a process.

info_1 A process can only be edited by a designer of the Project this process belongs to (or a user with an Administrator profile).

Top Buttons

disk Save
Save your current process

disk_multiple Save as
Duplicate your process

info_2 Measures are not duplicated.

arrow_undo Undo
Revert to your last saved process

feed Atom feed
Display corresponding Atom feed of your process

arrow_refresh Refresh
Savings' Revision of your process

package_link Attach/detach a process
Allows you to attach/detach your process to/from a project

package_unlink Attach a process Allows you to attach your process to a project

info_3 This icon only appears if your process does not belong to a project.

info_4 If your process does not belong to a project, you won't be able to save it.

package_go Open project
Open project process belongs to

application_form_add New web interface
Click this button to create a new web interface to launch your process.

info_5 This button is available if no web interface has been defined to launch your process.

application_go Open
If the process is launched by a web interface, this link opens the corresponding web interface (see Web interfaces).

info_6 This button is only available if a web interface has been defined to launch your process.

plugin Open corresponding connector
Each process can be seen as a connector (ie. web service). This link opens the corresponding connector definition of the process: it gives you the URL of the process and the content to POST to this URL to launch the process from another system.

bug Launch test
It allows you to launch process in a TEST mode.

Vertical Tabs

plus_tab {Organization/Role or Entity}
Click this button to add an organization or role/entity to the current process.

suppress {Organization/Role or Entity}
Click this button to suppress an organization or role/entity to the current process. It is only possible if no task belongs to this Organization/Role or Entity

collapse {Organization/Role or Entity}
Click this button to collapse a Organization/Role or Entity

expand {Organization/Role or Entity}
Click this button to expand a Organization/Role or Entity

Process Start, Timer and End

proc_start Process start
This symbol represents the process start point. The start point is mandatory and cannot be removed. This process can only be launched through a POST request from a RunMyProcess web interface or an external application.

event_start_mail Process start (email)
This symbol represents the process start point. The start point is mandatory and cannot be removed. This process can be launched through an e-mail or a POST request from a RunMyProcess web interface or an external application.

Process_Screenevent_start_timer Process start (timer)
This symbol represents the process start point. The start point is mandatory and cannot be removed. This process has been scheduled to be launched automatically. It can also be launched through a POST request from a RunMyProcess web interface or an external application.

timer Process timer
This symbol represents a timer task: process will pause execution for a given time.

proc_end Process end
This symbol represents the process end point. The end point is mandatory. In the event of choices or parallel tasks that do not rejoin in the end, each branch of the process must end with its own end point.

Simple Tasks (Activity)

action_simple_symb Simple task
This symbol represents a task. It can be sending an email, using a connector, launching sub-processes, asking for a human intervention (manual task) or doing nothing.

loop_simple_symb While looping task
This symbol represents a looping task which will stop on a defined condition (i.e. while I have not found USD rate change, I will continue browsing the exchange rate table).

Drag the loop_simple icon to insert this step in the process or modify a simple task to a while looping task in Functional Tab.

loop_multi_symb Multi-instance looping task This symbol with vertical bars represents looping tasks that can be run simultaneously for a given array (i.e. for each value of an array, do something). The same symbol with horizontal bars means that the looping tasks will be run sequentially.

Drag the loop_multi icon to insert this step in the process or modify a simple task to a Multi-instance looping task in Functional Tab.

Task Type Icons

Depending on the type of task set in the Task tab, the task symbol will display an icon on the lower right corner:

  • None This task does not perform any action but it can evaluate input or output variable.
  • connector This task is a using a Connector.
  • email This task is a sending Email.
  • subprocess This task is a calling Sub-process.
  • manual_task This task is a Manual task (human interaction).
  • script This task can either execute a JS file (Javascript) or a FTL file (Freemarker) or generate a PDF document.

Intermediary Events

event_inter_cancel Event cancel
This symbol allows you to start a new branch for a process directly from a task in case this task is cancelled (see Manual task). It should only be used on a Manual Task.

event_inter_error Event error
This symbol allows you to start a new branch for a process directly from a task in case this task is failing for whatever error (for any type of task, in Freemarker script...).

event_inter_timer Event timer
This symbol allows you to start a new branch for a process directly from a task in case this task times out . It should only be used on a Manual Task and Subprocess task.

info_7 If you need to go back to main process after your new branch, use "End choice" symbol to join main process and new branch.



Parallel Tasks

debut_parallel_symb Start parallel tasks (Split And)
This symbol allows you to run several tasks in parallel. Each task will be performed independently from one another. You can choose to gather the results of the different tasks at the end, using the next symbol, or end each branch independently.
Drag the parallel_start icon to insert this step in the process.

fin_parallel_symb End parallel tasks (Join And)
This symbol allows you to resynchronize the results of different parallel tasks (branch) after the tasks have been fulfilled. You can choose to resynchronize all results, or just some of them.

info_8 Don't forget that all branches must end with a process end point.

Drag the icon parallel_fin to insert this step in the process.


debut_choix_symb Start choice (Split Exclusive Or)
This symbol allows you to insert a choice in the process. For instance, if variable's value is equal to "OK", then go through branch with first link named 'A' if it's not equal to "OK", then go through branch with first link named 'B'.
Drag the icon choix_start to insert this step in the process.

fin_choix_symb End choice (Join Exclusive Or)
This symbol allows you to resynchronize the results of a choice task after a branch has been executed.

info_9 Don't forget that all branches must end with a process end point.

Drag the icon choix_fin to insert this step in the process.

info_10 End choice icon allows you to loop back in your process as in the following example :




This symbol allows you to write an annotation wherever you want in the process Drag the "Annotation" icon to insert if in the process.

Top Icons

key world Private/public access
Click on this icon to set process' access to private or to public. By default, your process is private.

page_no_edit page_edit Click this icon to lock or unlock your process design screen. By default, your process is locked to avoid unwanted modification on process screen.

info_11When process is locked, you can still modify scripts, variables, tasks' type... but you can't modify the process design.

shape_align_leftshape_align_centershape_align_right Horizontal alignment
Select symbols in designer and click on an icon to align them horizontally (left, center, right).

shape_align_bottomshape_align_middleshape_align_top Vertical alignment
Select symbols in designer and click on an icon to align them vertically (bottom, middle, top).

zoom_refresh Magifier_zoom_out magnifier_zoom_in Zoom
Click these icons to respectively reset the zoom to its original size or zoom out or zoom in

page_white_acrobat Print
Click this icon to display a PDF version of the process.

info_12 You must save the process before you can create a PDF view.

error This print option does not work seamlessly on Chrome. To download the PDF version of the process on Chrome you will have to disable Chrome PDF Viewer (to do so type "about:plugins" in the address bar of Google Chrome) which will force Chrome to use Adobe.

Customization Icons

bloc_txt This symbol allows you to add a name to a link or a symbol except for tasks where names are typed directly in the Task tab.

proc_define This symbol allows you to open the Task tab to configure a symbol.

The arrows between each task are called links. You can do several modifications on these links:

  • Hover the border of a task until you see a little circle and click, then drag this line to another task border until you see a little circle and click to add a link between these two tasks.
  • Click a link to edit its name.
  • Use the keyboard shortcuts below to do more operations on the links

Keyboard Options

Allows you to add a broken angle to a link: this is simply a presentation option, and does not alter the process.

DEL (or 'Fn'+'Backspace' on a Mac)
Allows you to remove a task or link.

Allows you to abort the current operation.

Allows you to select several tasks.

info_14 If you want to insert a task in your process between two linked tasks, you must delete the link between these two tasks and click on the task which has now no successor to get the toolbox back.

See also: