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Projects/Versions Tab

Displays the versions that exist for your project. You can create a new version, change the execution mode of an existing version, or update an existing version. In addition, you can migrate process requests and Web interface instances to a different version.

info_1 You should only create a new version when you want to put all resources of your project in Acceptance or Live mode. By default, all resources of your project are in Test mode as long as no version is defined.

info_2 Once a measure has been created or modified in a process, this measure is automatically recalculated for each launched process request, independent of its execution mode and version.

[New version]
Allows you to create a new version for your project. You have to define the required version details.

List of Versions

  • ID: The identifier of the version.
  • Name: The name of the version. Click the name to display the version details.
  • Description: The description of the version.
  • Created on: The date and time the version was created.
  • Updated on: The date and time the last changes to the version were saved.
  • Mode: Allows you to push the version to a different execution mode. For this purpose, click the pencil icon in front of the current execution mode and select the required target mode. You are prompted to confirm the mode change and decide what to do with process requests and Web interface instances that are currently running in the target mode.
    For details, refer to Changing the Execution Mode of a Version.
  • Upgrade to: Allows you to upgrade the version of running process requests and Web interface instances. You are prompted to confirm the upgrade operation and you have to select the source version of the instances you want to upgrade.
    Use the clock icon in front of Upgrade to to track the history of the version.
    For details, refer to Versioning Process Requests and Web Interface Instances.
  • Delete: Allows you to delete a version.