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Web Interfaces/Implementation Tab

Allows you to define general characteristics of your web interface

In a web interface, you can define one web page to launch a process and several web pages to be used within different manual tasks : a web page is called Screen within RunMyProcess Designer tool

Main button bar

save Save
Save your current web interface

save_as Save as
Duplicate your web interface

undo Undo
Revert to your last revision of web interface

feed RSS Feed
Display corresponding RSS feed of your web interface

link Copy url of the web interface (to add it to your favorite or to use it within your web site).

html_code Display html code to integrate your RunMyProcess web interface in your web site thanks to an iframe.

pill_go Variable
Allow you to display and filter widget according to its variable name within your web interface or custom widget used by your web interface.

clock Revision
Savings' revision of your web interface

package_link Attach/detach a web interface
Allows you to attach/detach your web interface to/from a project

package_unlink Attach a web interface
Allows you to attach your web interface to a project

info This icon only appears if your web interface does not belong to a project. If your web interface does not belong to a project, you won't be able to save it.

package_go Open project
Open the current project that the web interface belongs to

Open in test mode

Open web interface in a new browser's tab. Preview function is currently only working for web page to launch a process

info When your web interface is opened in test mode, a js and css tester is now included by default in a top section

Open launched process

Open process definition launched by your web interface

info A web interface can only launch one process

info Web interface access rights are defined in project Access rights Tab.

Implementation Tab


Name of the web interface. Once save a web interface is available in Desktop/My applications according to Access rights of the project this web interface belongs to.


Description of the web interface.


Select the type of web interface.

  • appli.png Launchable web interface: you want to design with RunMyProcess designer tool your web interface to launch a process and your web interface to be displayed to a user within manual tasks of a process,
  • form.png Process forms only: you only want to design with RunMyProcess designer tool web interface to be displayed to a user within manual tasks of a process. This web interface won't contain a screen to launch a process.
  • plugin.png Custom widget: you only want to design a widget that can be re-used among other RunMyProcess web interface (see Custom Widget).

info This type of applications won't be available in "Desktop/My applications" : they can't be run in a standalone mode.

info_1 In your Javascript code, so as to be sure to use local widget of your custom widget instead of widget of the web interface using your custom widget, you must add "RMP_this" suffix :


Moreover in your Javascript code, so as to be sure to use local variables of your custom widget instead of variables of the web interface using your custom widget, you must add "RMP_this.variable" suffix :


For variables, write :



Allows you to assign an icon to your custom widget when used in another web interface . Icon image must have been downloaded on RunMyProcess server (see Desktop/Files).

Publish to the homepage

Allows you to choose if the web interface is an entry point of your applications and in which environment. More precisely, if checked and if the web interface is in a production version, it will appear in the My Applications list of the allowed users. This list is also used in the default Homepage.

Lastly "Publish to the homepage" can be used to distinguish Web applications from Mobile or Tablet applications, by making them appear on the homepage depending on the environment it is accessed from.

Dynamic Name

Using variables in this field can make the title of the web interface dynamic. The name of the web interface will then be computed at run time for each web interface launched (see Web interface reports).

info_2 Like dynamic label for launched process, you can use any variables that are available in your web interface launching screen : Order for ${name}

Text direction

Choose "Left to right" or "Right to left" according to your language.


Choose "Private" if you want to authenticate the user who is opening your web interface and launching the process (with his RunMyProcess login/password or with Google Open Id or thanks to your SSO). Choose "Public" if you want your web interface to be public : process launched by this public web interface must be also public (see General Tab of a designed process).

info_3 A public web interface must use a Captcha widget.

info_4 If you want to design your own web interface (with your own designer tool) but you want them to be hosted by RunMyProcess, just use HTML widget in our designer tools and copy your code in it.

Display the Header

Allows you to configure the header and the menu bar of a Web Interface.


Allows you to specify a favicon for your web interface

Allow observer comment

When checked, the observers (see access rights) of the instances will be allowed to add comments (see comment widget).


Allows you to specify a thumbnail (small image) for your web interface. This image will be displayed in the default Homepage. You can either upload a new picture or use the predefined images (see categorized lists below).

General apps
RMP apps
Human resources
Stock management
Url of the imagePreview
Url of the imagePreview
Url of the imagePreview
Url of the imagePreview
Url of the imagePreview
Url of the imagePreview
Url of the imagePreview
Url of the imagePreview


Allows you to specify the web interface tag that will be used as the section in the default Homepage. This is only useful if at least one "Publish to the homepage" option is checked. Just write the tag name and click Add. You can add multiple tags to include the web interface in different sections of the Homepage.


Allows you visualize the web interface's engine version and upgrade it to the latest engine version.