Web Interfaces/JavaScript Tab
Allows you to include javascript files to your web interface.
This tab does not exist for "custom widget" web interface.
Include a Javascript file
These javascript files can be either downloaded on RunMyProcess platform or accessible through a web URL. They can be added at the very beginning (headers) of your web interface or at its end (footers)
Add button
Click on this button to add a javascript file : it can be a web URL or a javascript file downloaded on RunMyProcess platform (click on "Uploaded file" button, to select a js file)
Upload button
Click on this button to upload a javascript file on RunMyProcess platform.
Uploaded file button
Click on this button to select a javascript file on RunMyProcess platform.
Check availability button
Click on this button to check if URL definition is valid.
Arrow up/down button
Allow you to reorder js file in a header section or a footer section
Move button
Allow you to move a file from header section to footer section and reverse.
Delete button
Allow you to remove a javascript file from a web interface : it won't delete file.