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Button Widget

Allows you to define a button to start a process or to validate/cancel a manual task or to execute javascript code or to save current web page without interacting with the process or to login/logout from RunMyProcess.


button Button

An button widget has the following properties fields:

  • Action: choose type of action to be executed when clicking on button
    • Start process : allows you to start a given process on a launch screen.
    • Update process: allows you to validate a manual task.
    • Execute a script: allows you to execute a javascript.
    • Save document: allows you to save current web page with data filled by user without launching a process or validating a manual task. Webform with saved data will be then available in Web interface reports.
    • Take: allows you to assign the manual task to the connected user.
    • Release: allows you to release the manual task (the task will be assigned to the assigned lane instead of a user).
    • Assign To: allows you to assign the manual task to a user of the assigned lane.

info_1 No validation is made on "Save document" action : mandatory fields can be left empty...

  • Login: allows you to login to RunMyProcess. This option is only interesting with Public web interfaces. There must be in your screen a variable called P_login that contains RunMyProcess login, P_password that contains RunMyProcess password and P_target that contains URL to be redirected when login is successful
  • Logout: allows you to logout from RunMyProcess.
  • Pre-Launch script: allows you to execute a javascript before launching a process or validating a manual task or saving a document. If your javascript returns "true" (boolean), process will be launched or manual task will be validated (if all other fields met their requirement) ; otherwise nothing happens : if([[a]]>[[b]]){true;} else {RMPApplication.showErrorBox("Error", "a should be greater b");false;}

info_2 This field is only available if "Start process" or "Update process" or "Login" or "Logout" is choosen as "Action" type.

info_3 Script must return a boolean (true or false).

  • Script: enter your javascript as in a Javascript widget. This field is only available if "Execute a script" is chosen as "Action" type.
  • Label: label of the button.
  • Process or Event: If "Launch screen" equals to "Yes" (web page to launch a process), you can choose directly the process you want to launch with "Choose a process" button. If "Launch screen" equals to "No" (web page of a manual task), two choices are available: "Continue" will validate the manual task and "Cancel" will cancel the manual task and therefore stop the process.

info_4 Only process that belongs to same project as your web interface (or a project included in web interface project) will be displayed

  • Tooltip: message to be displayed to the user when staying one or two seconds on the widget.
  • Error message: message to be displayed in case of error for Login/Logout button.
  • Variable: variable to be created/updated when clicking the button.
  • Value: value of variable when clicking the button.
  • On click: action performed after user clicks the button. 6 choices are available:
    • Show pop-up message: display a pop-up message with content defined in "Message" field,
    • Close windows: close windows without pop-up message,
    • Show message and close: display a pop-up message with content defined in "Message" field and then close windows,
    • Redirect: redirect your browser to a given URL defined in "URL" field. URL can be a RunMyProcess web interface
    • Reload the same screen: reload the same screen (ie. refresh),
    • Load next screen: your web interface will listen to the launched process, wait until your process has reached a manual task and display web page attached to this manual task. If no (new) manual task is found, same web page will be displayed.

info_5 If manual task is in a subprocess, it must be a nested process.

  • Message: message to be prompt in pop-up windows when clicking the button. This field is only available if "On click" choice is "Show pop-up message" and "Show message and close".
  • URL: url of new page to be displayed when clicking the button. It can be a RunMyProcess web interface (choose one by clicking Applications button) or any web page. This field is only available if "On click" choice is "Redirect".
  • Identifier: id of the widget. You will only need it if you want to use Javascript functions in your web page.

info_6 In Layout tab of widget, you can attached an image to your button with a positioning style (cf. "Image url" field).