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Captcha Widget

Allows you to add a captcha to your web page (to avoid spam on a public web interface for instance). A captcha is mandatory for public web interface.


shield Captcha

A captcha widget has the following properties fields:

  • Characters count: number of characters of your captcha (from 6 to 20). Don't forget to increase "width" field according to this number.
  • Error message: message displayed to user in case the text input doesn't match captcha image.
  • Width: width of captcha in pixels.
  • Height: height of captcha in pixels.
  • Noise: check this box if you want to have a line crossing your captcha image.
  • Thickness: thickness of the "noise" line (from 1 to 10) if checked.
  • Special effects: choose "None", "Shadow" or "Grid" to distort or not your captcha image.
  • Tooltip: message to be displayed to the user when staying one or two seconds on the widget.
  • Identifier: id of the widget. You will only need it if you want to use Javascript functions in your web page.

info_1 Border, background and color style are available for this widget in Layout tab

info_2 A captcha when included in a web interface is a mandatory field.