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FileUpload Widget

This widget allows end users to upload a file to the RunMyProcess server


attach File upload

A file upload widget has the following properties fields:

  • Label: the text written next to the widget.
  • Label width: the width of the label (in pixels). It allows you to align different widgets horizontally.
  • Label alignment: the position of the label - "On the side" or "Above" the widget.
  • Variable: the name of the variable in the process to be filled in with RunMyProcess ID of uploaded file.

info_1 The variable format is an array of json [{"name":"file_name","id":"file_id","url":"file_url","widget_id":"id of widget"},...]

  • Tooltip: the message to be displayed to the user when hovering over the widget.
  • Upload: the name of upload button.
  • Allowed extensions: the file extensions allowed (e.g. doc,png,pdf).
  • Identifier: the id of the widget. You will only need this if you want to use Javascript functions on your web page.

info_2 The maximum file size for uploading is 25 Mb.

info_3 A file uploaded via this widget won't be displayed in Desktop / Files

info_4 On public web forms the deletion of uploaded files from this widget is not allowed.