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Tab Widget

Allows you to add a widget with multiple tabs.


tabs Tabs
A tab widget has the following properties fields :

  • Identifier : id of the widget. You will only need it if you want to use Javascript functions in your web page.
  • Name : name of the different tabs of your widget. Click on "Add" button to create a new tab. Use "Arrow" buttons to order tabs. Check left "check box" if you want a given tab to be displayed by default when opening your web page.
  • Visible : allows you to set a tab as visible or not according to given JS code.
  • Active : allows you to set a tab as active or not according to given JS code
  • page_white JS icon : allows you to launch Javascript code when user clicks on tab.
    For instance, load a custom widget contained in tab only if a user clicks on it : if (!id_custom_widget.isLoaded()) {id_custom_widget.load();}. Don't forget to check "Conditional loading" box in your custom widget property (you don't have to add any other script)

info_1 In each tab, you can add any widgets (ie. image, html, text input....)

info_2 So as to improve loading performance of your web page, we strongly advise you to put a custom widget in each tab that will contain all your
widgets of your tab