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Tree Widget

Allows you to define a tree widget.


treeView Tree widget
A tree widget has the following properties fields:

  • Source: source can be a collection (Choose a collection button) or a javacript (Other data source button) or a URL (Other data source button)
  • Query: this field is only available if source is a Collection. Query is a pattern : {"lastname":"Smith"} that allows you to restrict your query.
  • Value attribute: name of the key that will contain value to be displayed (see JS sample below)
  • Children attribute: name of the key that will contain children to be displayed (see JS sample below)
  • On data loaded: JS to be executed once data source have been loaded. This field is only available if source is a Collection or url.
  • On data loaded failed: JS to be executed if data source loading has failed. This field is only available if source is a Collection or url.
  • On node selected: JS to be executed when a node is selected
  • On node collapsed: JS to be executed when a node is collapsed
  • On node expanded: JS to be executed when a node is expanded
  • Identifier: id of the widget. You will only need it if you want to use Javascript functions in your web page.

Here is a JS sample to populated a widget tree (complete structure is described in setData js function)

var data = [
 {"value":"node1","type":"text","children":[{"value":"Leaf1","children":[{"value":"Leaf 2"}]}]},







info By default, values are editable. 5 types of data are available : text, date, number, list, boolean