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How to create a Homepage

Your RunMyProcess account can be configured to perform a redirection from RunMyProcess portal page to a personalized homepage.


The RunMyProcess portal page - https://portal.runmyprocess.com - is by default a redirection to the RunMyProcess Development Environment, the graphical client for developping, configuring and testing your applications.

This environment may be of little use to end users, that is why you may want to restrict its access to designers and configure a redirection from the portal page to a personnalized homepage.

A classical use of such a homepage is to display to the end-user the list of all the applications he /she has access to.


You can configure your homepage in the customer account view.


This configuration will mean that an authenticated user will get redirected automatically to the homepage when accessing http://portal.runmyprocess.com or https://portal.runmyprocess.com/{customer_id} with customer_id the id of the RunMyProcess account.

Once an homepage is configured, the Development Environment will only be accessible at the following url https://portal.runmyprocess.com/ide/.

You can choose a RunMyProcess web interface or an external web page. If you choose to design a RunMyProces web interface, you should create a dedicated project accessible to all your users. To do so, you'll have to configure an Everybody lane and add it in the Access Rights tab of the project of the homepage.


You can combine an account-configured authentication with the configured homepage by using the https://portal.runmyprocess.com/{customer_id} redirection.

This redirection will prove useful if you want end users to log in RunMyProcess using either :

  • a Google OAuth2 authentication
  • a SAMLv2 authentication
  • a configured custom login page

and be redirected to your configured homepage.

Accessing https://portal.runmyprocess.com/{customer_id} will load your account authentication policy, perform the appropriate authentication steps and potential redirections and, once the user is logged in redirect to the account homepage.

RunMyProcess Homepage

RunMyProcess develops an homepage based on the web-interfaces accessible by the connected user split in sections.

Functionalities of the homepage

  • Display the accessible web-interface
  • Order the web-interfaces by tags (if provided)
  • Get the information about each web-interface (if provided)
  • Use the thumbnail of the application (if provided)
  • Handle the basket for each web-interface

This homepage is only made of one widget javascript and one custom CSS file.

The javascript widget

The original source of the javascript widget is available.

This widget contains the code to collect the list of the web-interfaces and to create the HTML elements to build the homepage. This code can be configured as following:

I18n management: you can change here the default section name
var DEFAULT_SECTION_NAME = ${P_quoted(i18n('homepage-default-section-name', 'Applications'))};

You can change the order of the section below
// Exact tags list in the wanted order
var TAG_LIST = ['Build Applications', 'Administration Applications'];

// Display on 'top', 'bottom' or 'none' the unlisted tag (top or bottom of the listed tags)
var DISPLAY_POLICY = 'top';


info_1 The javascript widget has to have the identifier script to work properly

The custom CSS file

The original custom CSS for the homepage is available.

This file contains the CSS for the homepage (hide the help information at start, customize the basket icon...)

Homepage management

Customize the design

You can fully customize your homepage, it's simply as update the web-interface. You can, for instance, upload a customer logo to insert it automatically in the header of all your web-interfaces.

Web-interface list

The applications list of the homepage is 100% based on the right of the connected user. If you want, for instance, not allow some users to see some particular web-interface, just modify the user right of the web-interface project. The homepage will be automatically updated.