How to get the list of invalid fields of a web interface
Create an HTML widget that will display the list of invalid fields of your web interface and set its id to id_html_invalid_widgets
Use the following Javascript code:
function displayInvalidFields(){
var invalidWidgetsHtml = '<span style="color:red">';
var invalidWidgetsInArray = {};
// the widget is inside an Array
var arrayId = invalidWidget.getParent().getName();
if( !(invalidWidgetsInArray[arrayId]) ){
invalidWidgetsInArray[arrayId] = {};
if( !(invalidWidgetsInArray[arrayId][invalidWidget.getIndex()]) ){
invalidWidgetsInArray[arrayId][invalidWidget.getIndex()] = new Array;
var columnHeader = invalidWidget.getParent().getHeader( invalidWidget.getContainerIndex());
invalidWidgetsInArray[arrayId][invalidWidget.getIndex()].push( columnHeader );
}else if( invalidWidget.getParent()!=null && invalidWidget.getParent().getType()=="RMP_TabPanel" ){
// the invalid widget is inside a TabPanel, we display the tab index that contains the widget and its label
invalidWidgetsHtml += '<li>' + invalidWidget.getParent().getTabLabel( invalidWidget.getContainerIndex()) +' > ' + invalidWidget.getLabel() + '</li>';
}else if( invalidWidget.getParent()!=null && invalidWidget.getParent().getType()=="RMP_Section" ){
// we display the label of the section that contains the widget and its owne label
invalidWidgetsHtml += '<li>' + invalidWidget.getParent().getLabel() +' > ' + invalidWidget.getLabel() + '</li>';
invalidWidgetsHtml += '<li>' + invalidWidget.getLabel() + '</li>';
// display the raised errors on the browser console
// we display the invalid fields of each line of the invalid arrays
for ( var arrayId in invalidWidgetsInArray ){
invalidWidgetsHtml += '<li>' + arrayId + '<ul>';
for( var ligneIndex in invalidWidgetsInArray[arrayId] ){
var invalidColumnHeaders = invalidWidgetsInArray[arrayId][ligneIndex];
invalidWidgetsHtml += '<li> Ligne ' + ligneIndex + ': '+ invalidColumnHeaders + '</li>';
invalidWidgetsHtml += '</ul></li>';
invalidWidgetsHtml += '</span>';
//display the invalid fields in an Html widget
- Call displayInvalidWidgets() unction whenever you want to display the list of invalid fields of your web interface
Note: You can customize with CSS
A non valid field is a field that either:
- don't respect its valid rule
- is required and is not filled in
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