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Retrieving Variables Values : RMPApplication.get() vs "[[ ]]"

Note: This is only valid for the Application Runner engine.

These syntaxes are used to retrieve variable values, and both have a specific behavior. Let's see when and why you should or shouldn't use them.

Let's take 4 examples of widgets:

  • A text input widget, variable firstname.
  • A number input widget, variable amount.
  • A multi selection list widget, whose value variable is product_ids.
  • An array widget, whose variable is items_t

RMPApplication.get() syntax

How to use it

Technically, you expect to have firstname being a string, amount being a number, product_ids being an array and items_t being a json.

You have to keep in mind that RMPApplication.get("xxx") will always return a string, so you will have to cast it to a number, array or json in your scripts:

RMPApplication.get("firstname"); //returns a string
parseFloat(RMPApplication.get("amount")); //returns a float/number
JSON.parse(RMPApplication.get("product_ids")); //returns an array
JSON.parse(RMPApplication.get("items_t")); //returns a json

Where to use it

  • in js widgets
  • in prelaunch scripts on buttons
  • in .js files

Where/When you shouldn't use it

Don't use this syntax in JS dynamic rules on widgets, because it will be executed only once (see section on "[[ ]]" syntax for more details).

"[[ ]]" syntax

How to use it

Technically [[myvar]] will be replaced by the characters as value of myvar.

If you expect a string variable, then you must use "[[ ]]" syntax. Ex:

"[[firstname]]"; //returns "John", if you've entered John in the text input => it's a string

If you expect a variable that is NOT a string (it's a number, or an array, or a json), you must use [[ ]] syntax instead (note that there is no double quotes " "). Ex:

[[amount]]; //returns 1.234 if you've entered 1.234 in the number widget => it's a number
[[product_ids]]; //returns an array
[[items_t]]; //returns a json

If you don't follow above rules:

[[firstname]]; //returns John. JS engine will understand you try to call John variable and will lead to an error.
"[[amount]]"; //returns "1.234". You'll have to use parseFloat() to get a number
"[[product_ids]]"; //this is wrong, it returns an array surrounded by double quotes
"[[items_t]]"; //this is wrong, it returns a json surrounded by double quotes

Where to use it

Keep "[[ ]]" syntax for the dynamic rules on widgets: it not only means you intend to retrieve a variable value, but also you are listening to this variable.

Where/When you shouldn't use it

  • Special characters

If the RunMyProcess variable is a string and contains any special characters (ex: carriage return), you should't use "[[ ]]" syntax since you'll get a JS execution error.

Ex: if you configure a multi-rows text input address, and enter a value with carriage returns: Street\n\City\nCountry :

"[[address]]"; //will be replaced by

Country"; //and this will lead to a JS execution error

So in that case, do rather use:

RMPApplication.get("address"); //returns "Street\n\City\nCountry"
  • In a definition of a function

If you intend to create a function that calls firstname variable and display it:

function display_firstname() {
    alert("[[firstname]]"); //Wrong!

If you call the function above, you will get the value firstname had at the moment you defined the function. So you must use this definition instead:

function display_firstname() {
    alert(RMPApplication.get("firstname")); //Right!