The glossary defines the central terms relevant to the DigitalSuite.
API Listener
An API listener is configured within a web interface to listen for a certain event. When the event occurs, the listener triggers a composite API, a process, or a connector.
An application in the DigitalSuite is composed of one or more projects which perform a specific task. An application is launched by a process through a web page hosted on the DigitalSuite platform. The applications a user is allowed to access can be found in the Enterprise Process Store.
The basket is part of the Enterprise Process Store. It shows end users the complete set of tasks they have outstanding across all applications they are allowed to access.
A collection is a custom database which is created, populated, and managed in support of the applications. It can store important data, for example on customers, products, or assets.
A connector is a project resource that simplifies the integration of an application with external systems. The DigitalSuite provides an extensive library of pre-built connectors together with the tools necessary to create your own.
Composite API
A composite API (CAPI) is a project resource used to implement API-accessible business logic or data integrations. It refers to a sequence of tasks that run synchronously. The tasks' execution path is not persisted.
Custom List
A custom list is used to create a static list of reference information that can be reused in multiple screens throughout an application, for example, for drop-down lists or validation.
Custom Widget
A custom widget is a reusable web interface that is created during the web interface design. It is added to the palette of drag-and-drop widgets available to the developers and can be used like all other widgets that are provided by default.
Easy Builder
Easy Builder is a simplified environment for non-technical people to automate straightforward business workflows.
EnterpriseConnect is a DigitalSuite component that provides a secured tunnel from the DigitalSuite platform in the Cloud to resources located on-premise on enterprise systems behind firewalls.
Enterprise Process Store
The Enterprise Process Store contains all applications build within an account. It is the central app store where end users access their applications and tasks.
Execution Mode
An application’s execution mode denotes the environment in which an application runs. The DigitalSuite distinguished three isolated environments: Test, Acceptance, and Live.
Files are project resources that are non-native to the DigitalSuite (e.g. JavaScript files) or unstructured information (e.g. custom configuration information).
Apache FreeMarker is a template engine for transforming and preparing data in a particular format (e.g. XML).
JavaScript is a high-level and interpreted programming language that can be used for both front-end and server-side development.
A lane represents a scope of responsibility for tasks within a process. In the context of process modelling, roles are referred to as lanes.
Manual Task
A manual task is a type of activity. Activities take place during the execution of a process step. In case of a manual task, the step is assigned to a user role or to a specific person. The step must be manually completed in order to move forward in the process.
A measure defines process data that is explicitly tagged within an application as key metrics for gauging business process performance. A measure is used for monitoring processes. It allows you to track KPIs in process and web interface reports.
OAuth2 refers to the OAuth 2.0 protocol, the industry-standard protocol for authentication and authorization. It enables third-party applications to delegate user authentication and access limited user account information.
An organization describes the structure of a company and its subsidiaries. Several organizations can be used to distinguish partners or clients involved in specific tasks of a process.
A process captures your application's business logic. It is modelled using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) and executed by the platform at runtime in response to user- or system-initiated events.
Process Report
A process report provides a visual representation of the execution of a process. It shows which path a process request takes and highlights any errors during execution.
Process Request
A process request is an instance that is created in the DigitalSuite when a process is launched.
A project organizes all resources related to a specific application and manages their joint lifecycle through versioning.
A provider represents an external system (e.g. Salesforce) that can be integrated into your application. Providers form the basis for connectors. They handle the base URL and the authentication scheme of the connected enterprise or web service.
A role is defined for an organization. Each role has its own function within the organization. A role can only belong to a single organization but a project can use roles from different organizations. A user can belong to any number of roles as required by the organization.
RunMyApp is a mobile app for Android and iOS that provides a container for DigitalSuite applications to make use of the standard capabilities of smart devices such as camera or GPS.
A screen is a web page that belongs to a web interface. A web interface can consist of multiple screens. A screen can be used to launch a process or to carry out a manual task.
A subprocess is a process that is called during an activity step of a main process. The subprocess can belong to the same project or to a different one. If it belongs to a different project, it is imported to the main project. Using subprocesses simplifies your design and enables you to reuse processes.
A version allows you to 'freeze' projects so that you can deploy, manage, and rollback deployed applications based on a specific set of project resources. Only one version of a project can be live.
Web Interface
A web interface is the user front end of a DigitalSuite application. It provides a device-independent way for end users to interact with the application on a PC, tablet, or mobile.
Web Interface Instance
A web interface instance is created in the DigitalSuite when a web interface is submitted during process execution by the platform at runtime.
Web Interface Report
A web interface report visualizes statistical and data-related information on web interface instances launched by your application.
A widget is a standard user interface design component. Developers use widgets to quickly design forms and user interfaces using drag-and-drop.