



# static constant RMP_AppliReport

Column names available for web interface reports.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
NAME string <optional>
"name" Name of the application
PUBLISHED string <optional>
"published" Publication date of the application
STATE string <optional>
"state" State of the application
AGE string <optional>
"age" Age of the application
ONHOLD string <optional>
"onhold" Time the application has been on hold
OWNER string <optional>
"owner" Owner of the application
CONTRIBUTOR string <optional>
"contributor" Contributor of the application

# static constant RMP_FilterOperator

Operators available for filters.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
BETWEEN string <optional>
"BETWEEN" Between
CONTAINS string <optional>
"CONTAINS" Contains
EQUAL string <optional>
"EE" Equal to
GREATER_THAN string <optional>
"GT" Greater than
GREATER_THAN_EQUAL string <optional>
"GTE" Greater than or equal to
IN string <optional>
"IN" In
LESS_THAN string <optional>
"LT" Less than
LESS_THAN_EQUAL string <optional>
"LTE" Less than or equal to
NOT_EQUAL string <optional>
"NE" Not equal to
NOT_IN string <optional>
"NOT_IN" Not in

# static constant RMP_ProcessReport

Column names available for process reports.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
NAME string <optional>
"name" Name of the process
DELAY string <optional>
"delay" Delay of the process
DURATION string <optional>
"duration" Duration of the process
STATUS string <optional>
"status" Status of the process
EVENTS string <optional>
"events" Events of the process
CONTRIBUTOR string <optional>
"contributor" Contributor of the process
OWNER string <optional>
"owner" Owner of the process
PARENT string <optional>
"parent" Parent of the process
PUBLISHED string <optional>
"published" Publication date of the process
UPDATED string <optional>
"updated" Date and time of the last update
DAY string <optional>
"day" Day when the process was launched
MONTH string <optional>
"month" Month when the process was launched
YEAR string <optional>
"year" Year when the process was launched


# inner addCssRule(cssRule)

Adds a given CSS to the web interface.
Name Type Description
cssRule string CSS to add

# inner addFilter(colName, operator, primaryValue, secondaryValueopt)

Adds a filter to a column.
Name Type Attributes Description
colName string Name of the column
operator string Operator of the filter
primaryValue string Value of the filter
secondaryValue string <optional>
Second value of the filter
error if colName is unknown

# inner addMeasureFilter(colName, operator, primaryValue, secondaryValueopt)

Adds a filter to a measure column.
Name Type Attributes Description
colName string Label of the column
operator string Operator of the filter
primaryValue string Value of the filter
secondaryValue string <optional>
Second value of the filter
error if colName is unknown

# inner addRowStyle(rowIndex, className)

Sets an additional CSS class name to the given row.
Name Type Description
rowIndex number Index of the row
className string CSS class to set for the row

# inner clearFilter(colName)

Clears all filters of the given column.
Name Type Description
colName string Label of the column
error if colName is unknown

# inner clearMeasureFilter(colName)

Clears all filters of the given measure column.
Name Type Description
colName string Label of the column
error if colName is unknown

# inner getAggregate() → {string}

Returns the aggregation pipelines of the report.
Aggregation pipelines of the report (JSON array)

# inner getAllValues() → {array}

Gets all values of the set of rows.
JSONArray of JSONObjects representing the values [{column : value, ...}, ...]

# inner getColumnHeader(colName) → {string|undefined}

Gets the header of a given report column.
Name Type Description
colName string Name of the column
error if colName is unknown
string | undefined

# inner getColumnHeaderByIndex(colIndex) → {string|undefined}

Gets the header of a given report column.
Name Type Description
colIndex number Index of the column
string | undefined

# inner getCurrentRange() → {Array}

Gets the current range of rows displayed by the widget.
JSONArray specifying the range: [firstItem, lastItem]

# inner getFilters(encodedopt) → {object}

Gets an array that contains the filters applied.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
encoded boolean <optional>
false true to return the encoded filter values, raw values otherwise

# inner getLatestSelectedLineValues() → {object}

Gets the most recently selected row of the report.
the most recently selected row, or null if the latest user action was deselecting a row

# inner getQuery() → {string}

Returns the query of the report.
Report query
Gets the URL used to load the report.
Report load URL

# inner getRowAllValues(rowIdx) → {Array}

Gets all values of the given row.
Name Type Description
rowIdx number Row index
JSONObject representing the values {column : value, ...}

# inner getRowCount() → {number}

Gets the current row count, using filters.
Number of rows.

# inner getRowsId() → {Array}

Gets the IDs of all rows.
JSONArray representing the values

# inner getRowValue(rowIdx, columnId)

Gets the value of the given row for the specified column.
Name Type Description
rowIdx number Index of the row
columnId string Name of the column

# inner getSelectedLinesValues() → {Array}

Gets all values of the set of selected rows. (Formerly called 'getSelectedValues', which was too close to another function.)
JSONArray of JSONObjects representing the values [{column : value, ...}, ...]

# inner getSelectedRowsIds() → {Array}

Gets the IDs of the selected rows.
JSONArray representing all the values

# inner getSortedColumns() → {Array}

Gets an array that contains the sorted columns.

# inner getTitle() → {string}

Returns the title of the report.

# inner getType() → {string}

Returns the type of the widget (RMP_Report).

# inner isLoaded() → {boolean}

Returns true if the report has already been loaded, otherwise false.

# inner isLoading() → {boolean}

Returns true if the report is loading data, otherwise false.

# inner refresh(deepopt)

Refreshes the report.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
deep boolean <optional>
true If false, the refresh will keep the pagination as well as manual filters that have been input. The default is true.

# inner resizeColumn(colName, width)

Sets the width of the given column.
Name Type Description
colName string Name of the column
width number Integer specifying the column width in pixels

# inner select(indexRow)

Selects the row with the given row index.
Name Type Description
indexRow number Row index

# inner selectAll()

Selects all rows of a report.

# inner setAggregate(aggregate)

Sets the aggregation pipelines of a collection report.
Name Type Description
aggregate string New aggregation pipelines of the report

# inner setColumnHeader(colName, header)

Sets the header of a report column.
Name Type Description
colName string Name of the column
header string New header

# inner setColumnHeaderByIndex(colIndex, header)

Sets the header of a report column.
Name Type Description
colIndex number Index of the column
header string New header

# inner setColumnVisible(colName, visible)

Shows or hides the column with given name.
Name Type Description
colName string Name of the column
visible boolean Visibility of the column

# inner setCustomColumnScript(customId, callBk)

Sets a callback function to handle a "custom/calculated column" script, which is executed after the report has been loaded.
Name Type Description
customId number Custom column ID
callBk module:RMP_Report~customColumnScript Custom column callback script

# inner setData(data)

Fills a report with a JSON object.
Name Type Description
data Array JSON object used to fill the report
const data = [{"column1":"valueA","column2":"valueB"},{"column1":"valueC","column2":"valueD"}];
const options = {count:2,first:0};

# inner setJsReportLoadingDataScript(callBk)

Sets a callback function to handle a "loading data script" used to obtain and display the data for a JavaScript/Custom report.
Name Type Description
callBk module:RMP_Report~loadDataScript Loading data callback script
const options = {
     filters: [],
     orderBy: []
id_report.setJsReportLoadingDataScript(options => {
   //your code here

# inner setLoading(load)

Displays or hides a spinner while loading the report data.
Name Type Description
load boolean true to display a spinner, otherwise hide it

# inner setOnRowSelectDeselectScript(callBk)

Sets a callback function to handle a "select/deselect row" script that will be executed after a row has been selected or deselected.
Name Type Description
callBk module:RMP_Report~callbackFunction Select/deselect row callback script

# inner setPostLoadedScript(callBk)

Sets a callback function to handle a "post-loaded" script that will be executed after the report has been loaded.
Name Type Description
callBk module:RMP_Report~callbackFunction Post-loaded callback script

# inner setQuery(query)

Sets the query of a collection report.
Name Type Description
query string New query of the report
Sets the URL used to load the report.
Name Type Description
link string Report resource URL

# inner setTitle(title)

Sets the title of the report.
Name Type Description
title string New report title

# inner unselect(rowIndex)

Deselects the row with the given row index.
Name Type Description
rowIndex number Row index

# inner unselectAll()

Deselects all rows of a report.

Type Definitions

# callbackFunction()

Callback function to execute script fields of the Report widget.

# customColumnScript(row)

Callback function to execute the script related to custom or calculated columns.
Name Type Description
row Object Current row which contains the custom column

# loadDataScript(options)

Callback function to execute the load data script of a JavaScript report.
Name Type Description
options Object JSON object used to fill the report