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Testing and Using the EnterpriseConnect Installation

After you have set up and configured your local EnterpriseConnect installation and started the Agent and adapters, you can test whether everything is working correctly from RunMyProcess DigitalSuite. If the tests are successful, you can start to access local resources from your projects in the Cloud.

For both purposes, you need to define a provider and appropriate connectors for your projects in RunMyProcess DigitalSuite.

Defining a Provider in RunMyProcess DigitalSuite

For connecting to your local EnterpriseConnect installation from a project in RunMyProcess DigitalSuite, you need to define a corresponding provider.

  1. Log in to DigitalSuite Studio.

  2. In the Project Configuration module, go to the project in which you want to work with local resources by means of EnterpriseConnect.

  3. On the Connectors tab, define a new provider.

    Enter a name of your choice, for example, EnterpriseConnect on Windows.

    For the Live, Acceptance, and Test environments, specify the parameters of your EnterpriseConnect installation:

    • URL: Select http://. For accessing local resources by means of adapters, specify the host and port of the EnterpriseConnect Agent in your local environment, for example, mywinsystem:8080/. Use the port specified in the agent configuration.

      For accessing the SOAP or REST API of a web service through the EnterpriseConnect Agent without using an adapter, specify the provider host and port of the web service, for example, mywebservice:9000/.

    • Authentication Scheme: Select Login/Password and specify the user and password as defined in the agent configuration and in the domain you created for EnterpriseConnect in RunMyProcess DigitalSuite.

      You can also select None for the authentication scheme. In this case, the user and password defined for the domain you specify is used by default.

    • Use DigitalSuite EnterpriseConnect: Select this check box.

    • With domain: Specify the domain you created for EnterpriseConnect

Based on the new provider, you can now create connectors for testing your EnterpriseConnect installation and accessing local resources through the individual adapters.

Testing the EnterpriseConnect Installation

To test your EnterpriseConnect installation:

  1. On the Connectors tab for your project, add a new connector for the provider created before.

    Specify a name of your choice, for example, EnterpriseConnect Get Status, and provide the following information:

    On the Provider tab:

    • Provider: Select the provider you created.
    • Dynamic endpoint: Do not check this option.
    • Provider URL: The URL of the EnterpriseConnect Agent as specified for the provider, http://mywinsystem:8080/

    On the Connector tab:

    • Connector URL: Leave this field empty to test the adapter.
    • Architecture: Select REST/XML-RPC
    • Method: Select GET
    • Result format: Select JSON
    • Accept media type: Select application/json

    Values for other fields depend on the project in which the connector is used.

  2. Save the connector.

  3. Launch the connector in Test mode by clicking the corresponding option in its Actions menu in the list of providers and connectors.

If everything works as desired, the result will be something like the following:

The EnterpriseConnect Agent 2.n.n is running! 
Registered Adapters: FTP 2.n.n, fileReader 2.n.n

Congratulations! You can now call resources on your local servers from your RunMyProcess applications in the Cloud!

If problems occur or the test does not return the expected result, proceed as described under Troubleshooting.

Accessing Local Resources from RunMyProcess DigitalSuite

After you have successfully tested your EnterpriseConnect installation, you can use it to work on the local resources from your projects in RunMyProcess DigitalSuite.

To do this, you need to define additional connectors for the projects using the provider you have defined.

The connector parameters depend on the type of resource you intend to access, the EnterpriseConnect adapter to be used, and the operations to be carried out:

  • When working with adapters: Always select REST/XML-RPC as the architecture for the connector and leave the Connector URL field empty. Specify further parameters as described in detail for the individual adapters.

  • When directly addressing the SOAP or REST API of a web service through the EnterpriseConnect Agent without using an adapter: Select the appropriate architecture (SOAP or REST/XML-RPC), and specify the URL and parameters required by the API.

    Note: You can only use SOAP via HTTP. SOAP via SMTP is not supported by EnterpriseConnect.