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This section contains basic information on collections, and guides you through the process of creating and using a collection. For more information on collections, refer to:


A collection is a custom database which is created, populated, and managed in support of one or more applications. It can store any kind of data, for example, on customers, products, or assets. The data is created, used, and persisted in web interfaces and processes.

The storage engine used is MongoDB.

For an overview of the limitations which apply to collections, refer to Collection Limits.

If you need to use more collections and/or bigger objects, contact our support. You can always view the current size of a collection in the Collections tab of the project the collection belongs to.

Using Objects

The items stored in a collection are data structures consisting of field/value pairs similar to JSON objects. They can be represented in JSON format.

Example JSON object:

"base": "base1",
"author": {
    "email": "email1",
    "name": "name1"

To create an object, you define a structured variable in your web interface or process. For example, if your web interface contains fields to define base, email, and name, the object can be created and stored in the collection.

Not all objects in a collection have to adopt the same structure, but it is recommended for performance reasons.

Using Aggregations

An aggregation is an operation that can be performed on a collection in order to obtain different calculations according to a certain data grouping defined by a pipeline stage.

You can use the following elements to build an aggregation:

  • Aggregation pipeline stages
    • $match: Filters data according to a specified set of fields in your collection.
    • $group: Defines the keys of your grouping.
    • $project: Defines the final fields you want to project in your result and their names.
    • $sort: Sorts the result according to a specified set of fields.
    • $limit: Limits the number of results.
    • $skip: Skips to a given position in the result set.
  • Aggregation pipeline operators
    • $sum: Returns the sum of all the values of the specified field according to the grouping defined by the pipeline stage.
    • $avg: Returns the average of all the values of the specified field according to the grouping defined by the pipeline stage.
    • $min: Returns the minimum value of the specified field according to the grouping defined by the pipeline stage.
    • $max: Returns the maximum value of the specified field according to the grouping defined by the pipeline stage.

Technically, an aggregation is defined as a set of pipelines:


For details about aggregations, refer to the MongoDB documentation.

Aggregations can be applied directly to a collection report, or by using Freemarker or JavaScript.

For examples on how to perform an aggregation using Freemarker or JavaScript, refer to:

Creating a Collection

Before you can store or use data in a collection, you need to create and configure it.

To create a collection in DigitalSuite Studio, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the project for which you want to create the collection.
  2. Select Collections and click Add.
  3. Specify a name for the collection, for example, clients. For collection names and identifiers, only use lowercase characters and underscores.
  4. Configure the access to the collection. You can make the collection public or read-only, and restrict the access to the collection data to a specific execution mode. In this way, for example, Live data is not mixed with Test data. If you open a web interface in Live mode and retrieve objects from a collection, the source will be the Live collection data.
  5. Save the new collection which is still empty.

Populating a Collection

To populate a collection, you have the following possibilities:

Importing Collection Data

You can import objects to a collection:

  • from a CSV file by using a Freemarker function.
  • from a file in JSON or BSON format in DigitalSuite Studio. Any file compliant to the standard JSON file format is valid for import. MongoDB recommends that you import data in BSON format. If you have a file in JSON format, you should thus generate an additional file in BSON format for the import. The file you want to import must have been uploaded to your project in DigitalSuite.

MongoDB does not support ACID database transactions, therefore a rollback is not possible. If your import fails, it is likely that your collection is in a partially constructed state. You should therefore make sure before the import that your import file complies with the correct file format. If the import fails, you are notified by email.

Example JSON file for the import:

    {"phone_number":"123","lastname":"Tyson","firstname":"Mike","cars":[ "Ford", "BMW", "Fiat" ]},
    {"phone_number":"456","lastname":"Fowler","firstname":"Richard","cars":[ "Audi", "VW" ]}

While it is technically possible to import data to a collection on a running application or process, it is best practice to stop all activities on the collection before you perform an import operation.

To import collection data from a JSON or BSON file in DigitalSuite Studio, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the collection you want to import data to.
  2. Click Import and make the settings for importing the data.
  3. Select the source file and specify whether or not the file needs to be decompressed (from ZIP format).
  4. Click Import.

The data is not available instantly since the import operation is asynchronous. You are informed by email when the import is successfully completed, or in case of failure.

Viewing and Editing Collection Data

In DigitalSuite Studio, you can view and edit the basic settings of a collection as well as view information on collection data after the collection has been populated, for example, by an import operation.

To view and edit collections settings and data, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the collection for which you want to view data or edit settings.
  2. For viewing or editing the basic settings, choose the Settings tab.
  3. To view collection data and statistics, choose the Statistics & Keys tab.

Exporting Collection Data

In DigitalSuite Studio, you can export collection data to a file in JSON or BSON format. The native storage format in MongoDB is BSON, the binary JSON format. BSON is also supported by the native MongoDB mongodump tool.

The main reasons for an export are:

  • You need to transfer data between different execution modes, for example, from a Live version to a Test version, or vice versa.
  • You want to save the collection data before performing an upgrade.

If you want to restore a collection to an external MongoDB, BSON is the format of your choice. BSON should also be used for backup/restore purposes within RunMyProcess DigitalSuite. If you want to post-process a collection via a script, however, you may prefer to use the JSON format.

To export collection data, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the collection you want to export.
  2. Click Export.
  3. Choose the execution mode for which the data is to be exported and the export format (JSON or BSON), and specify whether to compress the data to ZIP format.

The export operation is asynchronous. Depending on the size of the collection, it may take several minutes. After triggering the export, the platform acknowledges the request. Upon completion of the export, you receive an email with a link to the file storage of the parent project.

The file name has the following format: collection_{collectionId}_{mode}_{date}.{json|bson}.



Accessing Collections

Collections can be accessed:

Creating a Collection Report

To display the content of your collection in a web interface, you use the Collection Report widget.

To create a web interface for displaying collection data, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a new web interface.
  2. Add a Collection Report widget to the Launch screen and choose the collection to be used as the basis for the report.
  3. Click IMPORT FIRST-LEVEL KEYS, and configure the report columns. The property names specified must correspond to the keys defined in the collection. The sample collection created and populated as described under Importing Collection Data above would be shown as follows:


  4. Save your web interface and run it for testing:


Sample Application

To show all expenses requested in the Expense Request sample application, you can create a collection report:

  1. Create a web interface named Sample – Report – All Expenses.
  2. Add a Collection Report widget to the Launch screen, and choose the sample_expenses collection which you have created for the Sample Expense Request project.
  3. Configure the report columns according to the data defined in the sample_expenses collection:


  4. Save the web interface and run it for testing:


For details about the Expense Request sample application, refer to the Overview.