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Monitoring DigitalSuite Platform Activities

Records of events that occur on the DigitalSuite platform are helpful when running into problems with end-user applications but they also offer valuable support in proactively monitoring platform activities.

As certain events occur on the DigitalSuite platform, their details are recorded in logs. The following log types are distinguished:

  • The **Process Log ** holds details on all process requests that have been initiated, including their status.

  • The Composite API Log records details of composite APIs instances that have been initiated, including their status.

  • The Version Log records version information on all projects on the DigitalSuite platform.

  • The Instance Deletion Log records details on delete operations for web interface instances and process requests.

  • The Custom Log holds log entries added to applications by application developers. Developers can prepare an application so that specific information is output in the custom log when certain events or errors occur during execution.

  • The API Call Log records details on the API calls made on the DigitalSuite platform, including those for direct composite API calls.

  • The Access Log holds details on user access to the DigitalSuite platform and records authorization problems.

To view these logs, you use the Logs Application, a standard portal application that you can access from the Administration Applications section on your RunMyProcess DigitalSuite homepage. Access to the module is restricted to users with an Administrator profile. For more details, refer to the Logs Application.